Dear partner,

The goals of certain marketing activities can vary.

If one of your main goal is to strengthen your brand/programs AND to make sure that sales people can easily follow up in a professional way and to better qualify the potential clients, then this package is right for you.

Here are the steps we suggest:

  1. Decide together with our Director of Sales Isabel Matos on the programs you want to promote and sell.
  2. Decide together with Michael Joop on the best time-frame the marketing and sales activities should take place.
  3. Provide all relevant information in Portuguese. If not available in Portuguese, we can arrange to have it translated for a fee.
  4. Provide all support videos and photos.
  5. ICCE will take the material and create a web page section which provides to potential clients professional information about the program, institution and location. An example can be found at this link ::view::    
  6. We will keep you updated about what is happening so that you can better measure the return of investment.

We hope that those options meet your needs.

For more information please contact Michael Joop at / skype: icce-michael.