Dear partner,

One of the main challenges we are facing with Marketing is to know WHEN, WHERE and with WHAT message we should try to reach the potential client so that the client decides to get in contact with us.

In our market we think that mostly the mothers are mostly active with their children educational needs. They often initiate a conversation in the family after seeing or hearing about certain possible programs. 

If you see things the same way, we should focus on where (our potential) mothers are in the social media world. Facebook is definitely the main place for many but as women have a variety of different interests, they are most likely following also certain blogs and web page.


In order to get more valuable and real information, Isabel Matos is currently conducting a research with our clients who fit the profile of the most potential clients for certain program areas.


Shortly we will be able to update you on the results so that we can discuss what is best for your programs.

Stay tuned and think already about what you want to do with the provided result.


We hope that those options meet your needs.

For more information please contact Michael Joop at / skype: icce-michael.