Applied Diploma in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (56 weeks)

For aspiring entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs

In this hands-on program you will learn from experienced business owners, managers and experts how to develop and create a business idea that will iterate and evolve and the skills and knowledge needed to launch and run a successful business.

Each module takes the foundations learned in the core Innovation & Business Ideation course and puts a real-life strategy, operations, sales & marketing, financial management and communications lens on the business idea you and your classmates have decided to pursue.

We designed the modules of this program to function as a checklist guiding you through each essential step in starting a new business. You will create a viable business concept while developing a broad and transferable set of skills in the areas of entrepreneurship and business management. Assignment after assignment, presentation after presentation, you will build your business plan and personal skills portfolio while increasing your confidence in your vision and abilities. You will apply the concepts discussed with the mentors in real life situations, gain valuable experience and graduate with a competitive edge.

Expand your career opportunities. The skills of entrepreneurship are for everyone – not just for startup founders. In this program you will learn to be nimble, flexible and forward-thinking. You will be confident to drive change and know how to stand out in a company.

Como existem certas regras e regulamentos aplicáveis, por favor, consulte-nos para obter mais detalhes, de forma que possamos ajudar na escolha do programa certo para você.

Required Courses

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Learning Outcomes

By the end of this program, you will be able to:

  • Develop a business idea that is aligned with your passion and personal values
  • Create a prototype/ Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to validate a business idea
  • Create customer user profiles
  • Develop a sales process
  • Create a marketing plan that corresponds with sales goals
  • Identifying the opportunities and challenges presented when looking at a business model through a global perspective.
  • Hire, fire and most importantly retain employees
  • Manage both human and capital resources
  • Communicate with your accounting team and understand the elements of financial statements
  • Define key financial and startup metrics to measure growth and traction
  • Develop and manage a comprehensive cash-flow budget
  • Develop your fundraising strategy
  • Understanding the fundamentals of capital raising and how to pitch your idea to potential funders and investors.
  • Identify the legal needs of your startup and start planning an IP strategy
  • Operate as an effective team leader
  • Communicate through empathy and leadership with business stakeholders, such as investors, employees, and potential customers.

Program Duration

The time frame for completion of the program is within 56* weeks (including 16 weeks holiday) from the commencement date. (* for one commencement date a year, students have the option to accelerate the program and complete it in 46 weeks, including 6 weeks of holidays)